Breakthrough Developmental Services is implementing the following procedures to keep our patients and staff members safe.
When arriving at the office for your appointment, do not come up to the office. We would like to minimize the number of people that we have in the space at any given time. Call the main number at 855-255-5270and let the receptionist know that you have an appointment. You will be connected to a staff member to complete patient interview for the appointment before a staff member comes to your vehicle to pick up the patient.
Staff members will utilize personal protective equipment (PPE) when interacting with each patient. When entering the office the patient and the staff member will immediately wash their hands. If patients are able to tolerate wearing a mask, they are to do so as all visitors entering our building are requested to have on a mask. If parents would like this skill added to the patient’s treatment plan, please make this request to one of the BCBAs.
If you (parent/guardian) do need to come into the office, please keep on your mask. Entering the office does not mean take off your mask. Not all patients/visitor have been vaccinated and we want to assist in keeping everyone healthy.
Staff members
Prior to their shift beginning, staff members will undergo a screening including temperature check. Staff members are required to practice good hygiene including frequent hand washing. Staff members showing any sign of illness will be sent home and contract tracing should be implemented utilizing within office protocols.
Additionally, staff members will:
- Wash your hands before and after each patient.
- Please prompt all patients to wash their hands at the beginning of sessions.
- While working with the patient, you and the patient should both wash your hands every 30-minutes.
- When working with patients, all staff members will wear personal protective equipment (PPE). It is advised that staff members wear a face shield, mask, and gloves at a minimum. Staff members may scrubs when working with patients.
- When possible, physical distances must be followed with a minimal distance of 6 feet, with 12 feet preferred.