Fall Announcements

It’s been a while since our last blog entry. It’s also been a very busy summer for us at BDS. We wanted to make sure that you all know that we are ready and excited as fall rolls around. We have many new ideas for services for the upcoming year as well.

Our first change that we would like to announce is the renaming of our newsletter from the Dragonfly Times to the BDS Journal. Also, to make it easier to access our website, we have added an additional domain. The new address is http://bdshelps.com . The old site is still operational and the new domain simply redirects you to http://www.BreakthroughDevelopmentalServices.com without you needing to type in the longer address. We have updated the calendar on the site to make it more user friendly as well. Finally, we have added a page for job announcements. If you would like for us to add a particular announcement for your child, please contact us at [email protected] .

If you have any questions about the current announcements, please contact us at 240-355-0845.

Have a wonderful fall,

~The staff of Breakthrough Developmental Services, LLC

“Making a difference in the lives of those around us.”


Did you know that Best Buddies International has an ebuddies program? I found this out while searching for potential pen pal programs for a client. If you would like to find out more information about the program, visit their site at http://www.ebuddies.org . I can’t recommend the program per say, because I have never tried it. However, I can provide you with the website for educational purposes. May sure that you read all of the fine print and other information then make a decision about the program and let me know what you come up with. You can post your responses in the comment section of this blog.


I thought that I would answer a few questions that people have been sending to me via this blog since the questions have been repeated by different people. Hopefully, this will allow for all those interested to learn a bit more. I also plan on posting some of the resources that I receive in the blog as well. Honestly, what good is having information if I don’t share it. So, check back often for updates.